December 30, 2013

Lockheed Vega Flying Again

Very fitting to hear that this Lockheed Vega 5C returned to flight after restoration on the 110th anniversary of the Wright Brothers first flight!  December 17th.  This unique Vega is a 5C model that was called a "Detroit Vega" as it was built by the Detroit Aircraft Company featuring a metal fuselage but retaining the Lockheed's originally designed wood wings.  Watch the video below.

A few more details are featured over on the Flying Magazine web site... follow the link below...

Happy 110th Anniversary of Flight!

December 7, 2013

Ford TriMotor - Two TriMotors For Sale

It is a cold and icy day here in North Texas.  So that has me looking over aircraft for sale around the country.  The internet sure makes dream airplane shopping fun.  All your dream airplanes right on your screen!

Two of the coolest listings I found are on and if I were to buy a time machine back to the 1920s I would snag one of the Ford TriMotors!

N9610 and N9645 are Ford Trimotor's that have been restored to flyable condition. N9610 is base in Minnesota with the Golden Wings Flying Museum.  N9645 is base in Oregon with the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum.  Both look outstanding!

Below are my photos of N9645 when I visited the Evergreen collection back in 2007.

Which one should I pick?  Maybe I should just snag them both!

November 30, 2013

Cessna 170B Donated to California Museum

From the desk of my friend, Mike Harbour, comes this article about a Cessna 170B being donated to the Pacific Coast Air Museum.  What an amazingly preserved 170B!  Check out the clean instrument panel.  Wouldn't we all dream of finding such and airplane!?

November 16, 2013

Sky Siren Travel Air Flies

I posted on this blog back in March that a cool looking, art deco Travel Air was nearing the end of it's restoration.  Well... it looks like Aerocraftsman finished up all the last little details and made the first flight!  Below is the video of this beautiful Travel Air gracing the skies.  As I stated before... this is one cool art deco paint scheme!

Links - Previous Sky Siren blog post - Aerocraftsman

October 29, 2013

Great Lakes Biplane For Sale

When a unique airplane comes up for sale and deserves a good home... I just have to spread the word... Dan

Exceptional 1977 Great Lakes 2T-1A-2 offered for sale.  The Great Lakes is a wonderful biplane and is a very capable entry into moderate level aerobatics, that is also fun to fly low and slow with the wind on your face.  It will do everything a Stearman does, but fits in a t-hangar and only burns 10gph.  It can easily be rolled in and out of the hangar with one person.

This offering is N3823F, serial number 791, aircraft total time approx. 2050hr, annual Inspection May 2013, Engine-Lyc. AEIO-360-B1G6, approx. 40hrs SMOH by Buldoc 2009, Prop-Hartzell HC-C2YK-4F, Overhauled by Maxwell 2009, Factory new in 2000.
Completely disassembled and restored in 2009-2010. Reassembled with all new hardware. Fuselage completely stripped, inspected, and refinished. Wings completely disassembled, inspected, replaced one wood spar (small end crack).  All fabric replaced with Ceconite.  All new wiring including new electrical panel with new circuit breakers.  All new instrument panels fabricated and finished with all instruments restored or replaced.  New avionics including Garmin 250XL nav/com, Garmin GTX327 transponder, PS intercom. New Cleveland brakes.  All hoses and fuel lines replaced.  New seat belts and shoulder harness with parachutes included.

(Edit - March 2014... this Great Lakes has found a new home.)

October 27, 2013

Lindbergh Monocoupe

In 1934 the Lindberghs purchased a Moncoupe D-145.  The registration number was unique as it was the same as Linderghs "Spirit of St. Louis" - NR-211.  At the time he was a PanAm consultant and traveled all over the country.  In September of 1934 the Lindberghs flew the Monocoupe coast-to-coast.  They kept the airplane until it was donated to the Missouri Historical Society in 1940.  Recently NR-211 was re-hung in the Lambert International Airport in St. Louis after a refurbishment.  Take a few minutes to watch this video of the Monocoupe being hoisted into position.

Re-hang of the Lindbergh Monocoupe at Lambert International Airport from Missouri History Museum on Vimeo.

October 14, 2013

Aviation Collectibles - Greatest Generation Aircraft Auction - Fall 2013

The Greatest Generation was on the ramp at Meacham Field selling rides in their C-47 "Southern Cross" during the AOPA Summit AirportFest.  Visibility at the AirportFest ramp provided interest to the organization and their mission.
Like many operators who maintain and fly vintage aircraft The Greatest Generation Aircraft has found some creative ways to raise funds.  As a follow on to their first fund raising auction earlier this year a second auction was held last weekend during a very busy week of aviation events in Fort Worth. (Link to my blog post covering the first auction.) The funds from the auction are rolled back into aircraft ride operations and aircraft restoration projects. An auction of aviation memorabilia and aircraft parts attracted my attention again so I signed up to bid on a few items that might fill a spot in my office!
Porterfield - did not attract a buyer
Helmets sold quickly
Culver Cadet stands guard over the auction selection
Drop tank submarine replica
 As the sun began to set on the Vintage Flying Museum hangar the auction items were lit up the bright rays shining through the hangar doors.  Rows of propellers, shiny metal cowling pieces, worn aircraft instruments, Russian pilot helmets, even two complete aircraft along with other one of a kind art pieces made from aircraft parts would draw a crowd of about 50 people into the hangar for bidding.  Over 200 items took about three hours to auction.  Only a few pieces did not sell so it would the auction was a success.  I only walked out with one item (a manual gear extension handle from a vintage aircraft) but I am happy with the entertainment the auction provided.

On Mark B-26K restoration project
The auction had a great back drop!
DC-3 rudder
Hats off to Jim Terry, Dana Wood and the crew at Greatest Generation Aircraft for the enjoyable evening.  Hopefully the funds raised will keep their birds flying another season.

Links - Greatest Generation Aircraft - Vintage Flying Museum

October 4, 2013

Boeing 100 - Kermit Weeks Video Tour

 Airplane collector Kermit Weeks has been posting a series of videos that he titles the "Kermie Cam" and gives watchers a unique view into his world.  I sat down the other night with my son, Brennen, in my lap and watched this video of Kermit giving a tour of the restoration shop that is restoring his Boeing 100.  This Boeing biplane was produced as the civilian model 100, the Navy F4B and the Army P-12.  Take the 30 minutes to watch and listen close as Kermit talks about these rare airplanes, interviews the restorer, Roy Rehm, and shows us around the amazingly organized workshop.  The model I am most interested in is the unique Boeing 100 previously owned by Howard Hughes!

Here is a series of photos of the Howard Hughes Boeing 100.  WOWIE!

Links - Kermit Weeks Fantasy of Flight

September 21, 2013

Warbirds Over Paine Field - Warbird Video

I have posted a few photos and videos from Fight to Fly Photography but this compilation of Jason Fortenbacher's videos is one of his best.  There is great Warbird action that displays over Paine Field in Everett, Washington and Jason brings the action right to our screens.   Pull up a chair, sit back and go full screen on the video!  History flies in the skies over Everett!  When you are done watching this one be sure to watch his other fine works. 

Follow this link to Fight to Fly's YouTube Channel -

September 8, 2013

Blakesburg 2013 - Antique Airplane Fly-In

This past weekend was the Antique Airplane Associations annual fly-in up in Blakesburg, Iowa.  Be sure to watch their web site ( for photos and the list of award winners.  This years featured aircraft was the Luscombe and it sounds like over 60 of the type were on the field over the weekend!  Walk along with Jim Savage on the two videos below for the "Friday night roll call" as Jim shows an overview of the wonderful variety that the fly-in attracts.

September 1, 2013

Selling the Cessna 170 - New Season of Life

1956 Cessna 170B N3467D
Dan and Kevin shake on the sale
Every airplane has a story.  Famous owners, historic events, adventurous trips that make each airplane's story interesting.  Whats the saying?  If this airplane could talk… oh what stories it would tell!  I think back on the adventures I had in my Cessna 170B, N3467D and there are so many fun adventures!  Family rides, cross country trips, crazy crosswinds…  Now someone else will create new adventures in the 170.  This past June I sold the 170 to a fine gentleman who took it to it's home in Minnesota.

Ready for the trip North
Dan, Kevin and Mark
It was a sad day for my family to prepare the 170 to make the trip North.  Hints, tips and paperwork exchanged hands as I handed the keys to the new owner, Kevin.  Kevin and his pilot Mark packed the back seats as my dad and mom helped me clean out the hangar.  For the first time in 17 years I watched someone else fly the 170 fly over horizon.  Our seasons of life change and I know that this new season will be full of new adventures and memories.  Life without an airplane will be different but I look forward to planning what the next airplane will be in our future.
Mom and Dan flying home from Oshkosh
Dad, Mom and niece Peyton enjoying a local flight
Dan and Candice Linn
Dan and brother Jamie
Dan with brother Jamie and nieces and nephews

What will keep me busy?  Family time with my wife and new son, Brennen.  Researching aviation history to expand the details behind the Spartan, Ryan, Lockheed and Curtiss web pages over on our web site, Another Time.  Spending time with my son. Sorting photos for future photography books to add to my book offerings like my first, Aviation's Timeless Classics.  Visiting local aviation museums and events. Oh… and spending time with my son!  I am excited for the new adventures ahead.
Dan and Brennen

August 25, 2013

Spartan Executive - Oshkosh 2013 Award Winner

Congrats to owner Jim Savage for winning the Bronze Age Champion (1937-1941) trophy at Oshkosh 2013.  Jim has devoted many years of money, blood, sweat and tears into the restoration of Spartan Executive serial number 17.  Hats off to Jim!  This Spartan has flown over 50 hours in the last twelve months and plans to attend the Antique Fly-In in Blakesburg, Iowa next week.
Also on display at Oshkosh were Spartan Executives serial numbers 12 and 28.

For more info on surviving Spartan Executive's see our web page by clicking on "Spartan Executive" on the home page of... Another Time.

August 5, 2013

Oshkosh 2013 Award Winners

The 2013 Oshkosh AirVenture award winners have been posted on the AirVenture web site.  Some well deserved awards for some hard working owners and crews.  The photo above is from Jim Buxton and shows the Grand Champion Post World War II award winning Mustang (N151JT) from Midwest Aero.  Congratulations to Mike and his Midwest Aero crew on another amazing restoration!

Click here for the awards list -

Watch this blog in the coming weeks as we feature photos of more award winners.

Links - Oshkosh - Midwest Aero

August 2, 2013

Howard 500 N500LN - Oshkosh 2013

Oshkosh 2013 photos are starting to make the rounds.  These photo comes from my buddy Jim Buxton who was on the grounds.  I requested photos of N500LN, the Howard 500, showing its new paint scheme.  Wow... it looks sharp!

The colors match the owners Grumman Albatross.  See the link below for more on the Howard 500 and check out past posts on this blog for links to the videos.

Link - TPAero - Videos

July 21, 2013

Scalaria AirChallenge 2013

A link to this video came across my desk and I had to post it here.  Scalaria is an event venue in Austria that appears to host some elaborate parties!  Add music, boats, skydiving, helicopters and vintage aircraft... and THAT sounds like an awesome event!  Watch and enjoy.  I wish we had parties even remotely close to this in the U.S.A.!

Links - Scalaria

June 21, 2013

AIRICs Hamilton Air Show 2013 Review

Eric Dumigan is a photographer I have been following for many years.  Eric shot some awesome photos at this years Hamilton Air Show.  How many Merlin engines can you count!?  Lancaster, Mosquito, Spitfire and Hurricane in formation!

Links - Eric Dumigan AIRIC

June 9, 2013

Red Bull P-38 Lightning and F4U Corsair over France

Red Bull P-38 in Dallas before it's export.

Another awesome video to share.  This one from inside the Red Bull P-38 Lightning and F4U Corsair over the La Ferta Alais airshow in France.  The use of the GoPro cameras in airshow aircraft, especially Warbirds, really has me excited.  What an awesome way to experience flight in these historic aircraft!  Enjoy the video...

Links - The Flying Bulls - GoPro

June 1, 2013

Spitfire 944 - Short Film

This short film came through my email a couple days ago.  Really a great story showing a veteran film footage of his landing mishap for the first time!  Check out Spitfire 944.

May 29, 2013

Warbirds Over Addison

We did not make it over to the event but thanks to Scott Slocum we can watch the highlights from Warbirds Over Addison 2013.  It is always great to see a good crowd enjoying the sights and sounds of vintage Warbirds!

Links - Scott Slocum/Aero Media Group - Cavanaugh Flight Museum

May 25, 2013

2013 Chino Warbird Airshow Photos

One of the best airshows in the country to see unique Warbirds in the air is the annual airshow in Chino, California.  The Planes of Fame museum pulls out their amazing collection of flyable Warbirds and invites friends of the museum to join them each May.  A couple weeks ago they hosted six P-38 Lightnings to highlight this years show.  Five were flown during the event and one was on static display.  Check out the link below for an extensive photo gallery full of amazing images captured by Britt Dietz.  Don't miss the night time photos towards the end of the gallery.

Chino Airshow 2012 - Day One Photos

(Be sure to check back in the next week or so for more coverage of the show on Britt Deitz's site.)

Another stand out aircraft at this years show was the early model P-40.  Look at this shine on this beautiful restoration!

Once you take the time to look through the airshow photos click back to the home page and treat yourself to ALL the Warbird photos!  Thanks to Britt Dietz for allowing us to post his photos and links.

Links - Warbird Photos by Britt Dietz - Planes of Fame

May 3, 2013

Howard 500 - Journey Home video

Back in January we posted an awesome video of the Howard 500s owned by TPAero.  Another video has been produced and posted for all to enjoy.  This one featuring N500LN on its journey home from Europe.  The entire flight is not made at 20,000 feet.  They were down in the beautiful scenery making the most of the sights the trip had to offer.  Sit back and watch 9 minutes of spectacular video footage of this vintage powerhouse.

Links - Previous post on this blog of the Howard 500 - TPAero

April 3, 2013

Lockheed 10 for the Seattle Museum of Flight

Lockheed 10 arrives in Reno

The latest news on Lockheed 10, serial number 1015, N72GT is that the Seattle Museum of Flight will add the aircraft to the museums collection.  
Reno arrival

1015 was originally delivered to Northwest Airlines as a 10A registered as NC14900.  In 1942-1944 it was flown by the United States Army Air Corps.  For the 60th Anniversary of Amelia Earhart's historic flight it was modified by Linda Finch into a Lockheed 10E and flown around the world in 1997.  After the flight it sat outside for a few years on the ramp at the Denton, Texas airport.  Since that time it was not flown regularly.  In 2010 is was seen stored in a hangar in New Mexico.  It returned to flying status in 2011 and was flown to California with another planned world flight.  Those plans fell through and it was listed for sale again in 2012.

Lockheed 10, s/n 1015

It was recently flown to Reno, Nevada and Fred Austin sent the featured photos (taken upon its arrival) with the following note:

"The airplane is under going some minor maintenance and cosmetic detailing prior to it's delivery to the museum this fall. Taight Ramey and Alby Redick flew the airplane in from California. Alby's company Aviation Classics prepared the airplane for the flight."

Thank you Fred for the update.

The museums "Project Amelia" has a web page featuring the details of the acquisition.  Visit the web page by clicking here.

Links - Seattle Museum of Flight - Lockheed 10 survivors

March 30, 2013

Lockheed Vega Restoration

Brent Taylor visited the Lockheed Vega restoration making progress in Arizona and posted an update over on the Antique Airfield web site earlier this month.  Wow!  What an amazing airplane!

Click on this link to read the update - Lockheed Vega Restoration Update

Links - Antique Airfield

March 28, 2013

Flying Heritage Collection F6F Hellcat First Flight Video

The Flying Heritage Collection's Grumman F6F Hellcat made its first flight following its recent restoration.  Steve Hinton made the flight at FHC's base at Paine Field in Everett, Washington.  Watch the  video below captured by Jason Fortenbacher.  Thanks Jason for the video!

Links - Flying Heritage Collection - Fight To Fly Photography on Facebook

March 18, 2013

Sky Siren - Travel Air Restoration

In California at the restoration shop called Aerocraftsman they are putting the finishing touches on a beautiful Travel Air.  A Travel Air biplane they are calling Sky Siren.  Check out this awesome art deco paint scheme on this ship!

More photos can be seen by clicking on this link.  Hats off to the crew at Aerocraftsman!

Links - Aerocraftsman

March 9, 2013

Aviation Collectibles - Greatest Generation Aircraft Auction

B-25 Pacific Prowler
Collecting, it is what we do when we gather things of meaning and importance to us. Some like to gather memorabilia to bring back memories from times gone by. In this day and age we see numerous TV shows filling the cable channels that highlight people hunting, searching and digging for collectibles all over the country. Cars, airplanes, toys, antiques and all manner of items!  Maybe to add that specific item to their personal collection, turn it into a decorator piece, show off in their "man cave" or to sell for a profit to perpetuate the collecting addiction!  To feed my curiosity... ok... and my own addiction I found a local auction to attend.

It was a cold morning inside the Vintage Flying Museum hangar at Meacham Field in Fort Worth.  Too cold for me to be out early on a Saturday morning but I sure did want to see the aviation collectibles, memorabilia, military gear and vintage aircraft parts that were to be sold at the charity auction.  The Greatest Generation Aircraft collection  was looking to attract bidders to raise funds to pour back into their collection of vintage aircraft. Jim Terry and his crew operate the B-25 "Pacific Prowler" and the C47 "Southern Cross." Also a part of the collection, waiting in the back of the hangar, was the B-26K "Special K" receiving attention from the volunteer restoration crew.

Jim Terry
The hangar opened early for bidders to preview the auction items. I arrived about 8:30 am to look around.  The museum hangar had several areas set up to showcase the auction items. The heated side room was most popular on this cold morning.  Aircraft parts, flying helmets, engines, military gear and artwork had collectors scribbling notes in their auction catalogs.  Aviation enthusiasts could hardly contain their excitement at the prospects of owning these unique offerings and in knowing that the funds would be used to maintain vintage aircraft.

About forty people gathered in the hangar before auction start time at 9:00 am, but it quickly swelled to seventy as the auctioneer started the opening bids. A few bidders established themselves as serious buyers and most items sold well.


Bartlett Hayward wooden propeller - $1700

Cowtown Cyclone tribute art cowling - $600

F-86 drop tank shark art - $2000

Beechcraft Bonanza wing section - $500

Remote control glider with 14ft. Wingspan - $225

T-28A Trojan - $7000

Other highlights...

Customized KC 135 crew seat - $600

Wright Cyclone R-2600 - unsold as it did not meet reserve - this R2600-3 would have been installed on a Boeing Clipper or an A-20 Havoc.

B-25 cowling nose ring - $1300

B-17 cowling - $1500

The auction wrapped up at about noon.  Hats off to the Greatest Generation Aircraft and the Vintage Flying Museum for a smooth auction.

My personal aviation memorabilia collection includes autobiographical books of famous aviators, vintage magazines, aircraft manuals and aircraft models.  (I do offer some items for sale on occasion using eBay - Link to eBay items.)

What do you collect?  What are some of your prized possessions?

Links - Great Generation Aircraft - Flying Cowboys - Vintage Flying Museum

2023 Aviators Gift Guide

 We have a some recommendations for you to order a few last minute Christmas gifts for the aviation enthusiast in your life. There might jus...