September 1, 2013

Selling the Cessna 170 - New Season of Life

1956 Cessna 170B N3467D
Dan and Kevin shake on the sale
Every airplane has a story.  Famous owners, historic events, adventurous trips that make each airplane's story interesting.  Whats the saying?  If this airplane could talk… oh what stories it would tell!  I think back on the adventures I had in my Cessna 170B, N3467D and there are so many fun adventures!  Family rides, cross country trips, crazy crosswinds…  Now someone else will create new adventures in the 170.  This past June I sold the 170 to a fine gentleman who took it to it's home in Minnesota.

Ready for the trip North
Dan, Kevin and Mark
It was a sad day for my family to prepare the 170 to make the trip North.  Hints, tips and paperwork exchanged hands as I handed the keys to the new owner, Kevin.  Kevin and his pilot Mark packed the back seats as my dad and mom helped me clean out the hangar.  For the first time in 17 years I watched someone else fly the 170 fly over horizon.  Our seasons of life change and I know that this new season will be full of new adventures and memories.  Life without an airplane will be different but I look forward to planning what the next airplane will be in our future.
Mom and Dan flying home from Oshkosh
Dad, Mom and niece Peyton enjoying a local flight
Dan and Candice Linn
Dan and brother Jamie
Dan with brother Jamie and nieces and nephews

What will keep me busy?  Family time with my wife and new son, Brennen.  Researching aviation history to expand the details behind the Spartan, Ryan, Lockheed and Curtiss web pages over on our web site, Another Time.  Spending time with my son. Sorting photos for future photography books to add to my book offerings like my first, Aviation's Timeless Classics.  Visiting local aviation museums and events. Oh… and spending time with my son!  I am excited for the new adventures ahead.
Dan and Brennen


TexasPete65 said...

Dan, I learned to fly in a 1953 Cessna 170B, N4657C in central Missouri. The runway was east/west and prevailing winds north/south, got to be very proficient in cross wind take offs and landings. We labored up to 10K ft one July day and did our best to get her to break into a spin. Never happened. Did dome flying in 150s years later, but it was not the same.

Dan Linn said...

Pete, 170s are just a classy, sweet flying airplane. I learned in a 150 but the 170 was the memory maker.

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